Dear Friends,
I do not exactly have anything pressing to blog about but I decided that perhaps it would be therapeutic for me to just write about everyday happenings. So today was Monday… nothing too special occurred. I went to school which was draining, had a serious conversation with someone about why people do not appreciate stalkers and then picked up the children from school (not my children, the ones I babysit daily). The youngest of the three boys decided to spend our entire trip home re-wording Christmas carols to lyrics which always involved my death or serious injury. I then proceeded to aid my infected ear which has become really painful. It all began on a rainy March morning when Tash, Brighid and I woke up without our brains and decided to bus downtown to a demonic piercing shop to get our tragus’ pierced. Do not get me wrong, although it might have been a rather rebellious decision, it grew on me and I like now. All was swell for the first few weeks but the last two days a tiny growth resembling a pimple began to make its home around the entrance wound. I am sorry this is so descriptive and gross. I am almost certain no one wants to know about this but I feel like it is less shocking if you read about it here and then see it versus it just popping up in your line of view.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
What's been going on...

So I haven’t really blogged in a while but it is the end of a less-than-great weekend and with nothing better to do I decided to write this post announcing that I leave for Costa Rica in 90 DAYS! That is 3 months people (I say people assuming that more than one person reads this… if not, no loss). When I really think about it 90 days is not that long of a time. I feel like there is so much I have to and want to do before I leave. There’s grad of course, but there is also so much more I want to do and so many people that I want to spend as much time as possible with before I go. I am so excited and I believe that it will be really good for me to be going away. I have been looking at my fellow classmates and they are all from different parts of the world which will be so cool. I don’t know if there will be much to miss about rainy Vancouver once I am living on those sandy Costa Rican shores.
Thursday, April 2, 2009

25 random things you might or might not want to know…
1. I love ironing and if it was an admirable and high paying career I would be a professional ironer.
2. I dislike cherries from an unfortunate childhood incident… yet my favorite flavor of anything is cherry.
3. I prefer classical music over any others… lame, I know.
4. The only movie that I have ever cried in was The Notebook … even lamer.
5. I love turbulence… not lame, awesome.
6. I am afraid of aliens and once called Jen late at night in order for her to convince me of their non-existence.
7. I know someone named Dort. I believe this to be the strangest name on earth… sorry if you’re reading this, it’s true.
8. I am OCD about things being clean.
9. I once had a candle lit in my room during the middle of the night… Who did it? Not too sure, but I do have my suspicions.
10. I once turned the color of the Statue of Liberty upon getting my ear pierced.
11. I used to collect sand dollars in order to dry them up, break them in half and see the little doves fall out.
12. In February I ate banana pancakes for the first time and finally understood why Jack Johnson felt so passionate about them to write a song.
13. I love thrift stores.
14. I used to try and convince my siblings that I knew people on other planets and I could fly us there on our magic blanket… more than lame… downright embarrassing.
15. I used to have a gigantic mural of Mount Baker covering one of my bedroom walls.
16. I get extreme joy out of playing “Would you rather”... hehe
17. My sister and I used to play soccer with our hamster in his exercise ball… which might explain why he chewed through metal bars and three layers of drywall to escape us.
18. I love sailing and watching the stars from out at sea!
19. I am extremely concerned about what other people think… I desperately wish I wasn’t.
20. I really enjoy time alone.
1. I love ironing and if it was an admirable and high paying career I would be a professional ironer.
2. I dislike cherries from an unfortunate childhood incident… yet my favorite flavor of anything is cherry.
3. I prefer classical music over any others… lame, I know.
4. The only movie that I have ever cried in was The Notebook … even lamer.
5. I love turbulence… not lame, awesome.
6. I am afraid of aliens and once called Jen late at night in order for her to convince me of their non-existence.
7. I know someone named Dort. I believe this to be the strangest name on earth… sorry if you’re reading this, it’s true.
8. I am OCD about things being clean.
9. I once had a candle lit in my room during the middle of the night… Who did it? Not too sure, but I do have my suspicions.
10. I once turned the color of the Statue of Liberty upon getting my ear pierced.
11. I used to collect sand dollars in order to dry them up, break them in half and see the little doves fall out.
12. In February I ate banana pancakes for the first time and finally understood why Jack Johnson felt so passionate about them to write a song.
13. I love thrift stores.
14. I used to try and convince my siblings that I knew people on other planets and I could fly us there on our magic blanket… more than lame… downright embarrassing.
15. I used to have a gigantic mural of Mount Baker covering one of my bedroom walls.
16. I get extreme joy out of playing “Would you rather”... hehe
17. My sister and I used to play soccer with our hamster in his exercise ball… which might explain why he chewed through metal bars and three layers of drywall to escape us.
18. I love sailing and watching the stars from out at sea!
19. I am extremely concerned about what other people think… I desperately wish I wasn’t.
20. I really enjoy time alone.
21. Everyday I think of a song that relates to my day and write it down in my journal to remember.
22. In kindergarten my “crush” (if you can really call it that) and I made a plan to run away together... still not sure where we were planning on going.
23. I desperately wish I was REALLY talented at something… who knows, perhaps my talent is still out there.
24. I really love pictures because they are the best reminders of joyous times in my life.
25. I am extremely afraid of going away after high school is over.
22. In kindergarten my “crush” (if you can really call it that) and I made a plan to run away together... still not sure where we were planning on going.
23. I desperately wish I was REALLY talented at something… who knows, perhaps my talent is still out there.
24. I really love pictures because they are the best reminders of joyous times in my life.
25. I am extremely afraid of going away after high school is over.
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