Well folks, it is less than two months till my departure and I am feeling both excited and extremely nervous. Trekking off to the land of tarantulas, scorpions, crocodiles, monkeys, bountiful rain, beautiful surf, possible tornados and volcanic eruptions (just to name a few things), will be an adventure to say the least! It is incredible just how fast the time is passing. I have spent ample time looking up Costa Rica tourism videos on youtube revealing some very interesting Costa Rican creatures that I will be sharing a home with next year. I guess it is just all apart of the experience. I have also neglected to spend any time learning the language (Spanish) of which I will take classes in next year (oops!). The week before I leave I will be touring the Caribbean leaving from Miami and visiting Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico for 10 days which should be AMAZING! There is just something about the surf and sand that just gives me such joy.
In other news, my UBC deferral request has gone through and the final plans of attending the school in the fall of 2010 are underway. I am not so excited about this in comparison to my current adventures but it will be so great to be back home, seeing all the people I love after being away for so long. 57 days and counting!
In other news, my UBC deferral request has gone through and the final plans of attending the school in the fall of 2010 are underway. I am not so excited about this in comparison to my current adventures but it will be so great to be back home, seeing all the people I love after being away for so long. 57 days and counting!
These are some photos that my aunt took on her trip to Costa Rica. These guys look pretty friendly if you ask me!