Sunday, July 19, 2009

One more day...

As I sit in my room, walls stripped of the once life-giving photos and memories, i cannot help but admit that i am sad to leave. Even the simple act of packing up my few treasured belongings and clothes triggered a feeling of uncertainty in me. Not to say that I am uncertain about what I am doing next year because that is the one event that i know is God santified and perhaps even a miracle at this particular time in my life. I just never pictured my departure occuring this way. Whereas a few months ago i was eagerly counting down the days in anticipation, I have now realized that when I finally do come home I will be changed which is scary for me. I also will be searching for a place to live which adds to the feeling of uncertainty i have about leaving without any substantial home to come back to. The once small town comfort of being able to go to the grocery store and see ten people you know will be removed and alone i will conquer the foreign land of Costa Rica and discover life in what people call “the real world”. Regardless of all this i am excited for how my heart and views will grow and change. I will do my best to keep up regular posts so that everyone may know how it is going.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All At Sea

This past Monday night Jordan and I found ourselves in a state of overwhelming boredom. As we brainstormed what we could possibly do in a town that shuts down around 7:30pm on average we were struck with the brilliant idea, "Let's find a boat!". After a lucky phone call in which my brother hesitantly agreed to lend us his two person, blow-up "Explorer", we were off on the adventure of a lifetime. In an effort to try and transport the floatation device, we anchored it on the roof of my tiny red car with two cables coming through the passenger and driver's windows. It was a less than admirable/llegal means of carrying the lightweighted "Explorer" which my brother clearly voiced with his stare of concern/ disbelief as we drove away. Not to fear Bran-muffin (or in other words, my brother), 30km/hr did us and the "Explorer" just fine. We carried our new vessel all the way down the Fred Gingell stairs eager to start our voyage at sea. Though the water was slightly choppy, we launched with ease and began to aimlessly paddle around the ocean as the sun set on horizon. As we noted the reality that one simple prick and the "Explorer" would deflate like a bouncy castle struck by an over-eager donut eater, we became aware that our inflatable of fun was less reliable than we had previously daydreamed about. Fortunatly the little orange ocean conquerer pulled through and we remained dry. It was no "Pirates of the Caribbean" type of adventure but it was still a very welcomed alternative to the regular movie watching Tsawwassen nights.

Friday, July 3, 2009

coming to you live from my new laptop!

hello all,
I just got a new laptop and seeing as I am overflowing with excitement i thought that i would share this with everyone who reads this blog!

Update: Caribbean departure in 18 days!